微软雅黑 字体元数据
- 字体名称: 微软雅黑
- 子系列: Bold
- 子系列ID: 微软雅黑 Bold
- 字体全称: 微软雅黑 Bold
- 字体版本: Version 0.71
- 字重: 700
- Postscript名称: MicrosoftYaHeiBold
- 文件大小: 14 MB
- 文件扩展名: .ttf
- 字符数量: 87422
- 字形数量: 29240
- 制造商: Microsoft Corporation
- 设计师: 北大方正电子有限公司
- 描述: Microsoft YaHei is a Simplified Chinese font developed by taking advantage of ClearType technology, and it provides excellent reading experience particularly onscreen. The font is very legible at small sizes.
- MD5: 8864ba3cfc27587b7541100a6c032a40
- 版权信息: © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.